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The HPCSA vs Professor Noakes

At the time this note is published, I will be in the air, just about to land in Cape Town, having been asked by Professor Tim Noakes to be an expert witnesses at his hearing. As promised in last week’s note, this week I will share what I am able to about the case, the charges and what has been going on at the hearings so far. I am only going to report on the prosecution case in this note (fear not – there’s more than enough to cover on this alone. In fact, today’s note is twice the normal length, but, trust me, it’s terrific stuff!) The notes that follow come from the hearing evidence, which has been given so far. I will use quotation marks and italics, so that you can clearly see where I am quoting verbatim.


ADSA:    Association for Dietetics in South Africa.
CJS:      Claire Julsing Strydom – the “complainant”.
HPCSA:  Heath Professionals Council of South Africa – the “pro-forma complainant”.
ProfTN:  Professor Tim Noakes – the “respondent”.
TLT:      Tim’s Legal Team (rather than naming the particular lawyer for each comment).
Vorster: Professor Vorster – an academic and witness for the prosecution – more details given under “Hearing two – witnesses called.

The chain of events


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