The HPCSA vs Professor Noakes – Part 2
In the first part of “The HPCSA vs Professor Noakes”, we reached the point where Tim started his testimony. Just a reminder of some terminology: the complainant in this case is dietician Claire Julsing Strydom and the pro-forma complainant is appointed by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) to present the complainant's complaint to the professional conduct committee. I thought that it was most important to cover the HPCSA case and their witnesses, as this is the part that baffles and fascinates the real food world.
I used the abbreviation ProfTN in the first post, so I will continue to use that for Professor Tim Noakes. ProfTN’s testimony is better known to us, as we are familiar with evidence-based nutrition, insulin resistance, the metabolic syndrome and so on. The Noakes Foundation is publishing videos of ProfTN’s evidence (and mine, Nina Teicholz’s and Dr Caryn Zinn’s at some point) and I highly recommend viewing these here.
In this week’s note I will share the notes that I made going through ProfTN’s slides in preparation for this hearing and what has happened over the past week...
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