Academic ResearchNewsletterPublic Health

Naude Low-Carb Review: Mistake or Mischief?

On Friday 2nd December 2016 an article was published in the South African Medical Journal called “The universities of Stellenbosch/Cape Town low carbohydrate diet review: Mistake or mischief?” You can see the full article/download a PDF here.

The story behind this article is even more interesting than the article itself...

How the article came about

Mid July of this year, I received an email from Professor Tim Noakes. I had already accepted Tim’s request to be one of his expert witnesses at the October 2016 final hearing of the crazy ‘tweet-case’. In the email, Tim shared that during the November 2015 and February 2016 hearings it had become clear that a particular paper had been deemed hugely significant in the decision to bring a case against him. Tim attached the paper to the email. It was by Naude et al and it was called “Low Carbohydrate versus Isoenergetic Balanced Diets for Reducing Weight and Cardiovascular Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. That paper is on open view here.


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