Here are the references used on my slides:

Slide 3:

Slide 4:  I covered this leaflet in great detail, as it presented the main ‘evidence’ for plant-based diets, in two posts here and here.

Slide 5: Fraser. Vegetarian diets: what do we know of their effects on common chronic diseases? AJCN. (2009).

Slide 6:

Slide 7: The 400m rankings for the 2016 period are here.

Slide 9: Pyramid of evidence from Burns, P. B., Rohrich, R. J., and Chung, K. C. (2011) The Levels of Evidence and their role in Evidence-Based Medicine. Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Vol.128(1), pp.305-310.

Earliest use of MA credited to Glass, G. V. (1976) Primary, Secondary, and Meta-Analysis of Research. Educational Researcher. Vol.5(10), pp.3-8.

Slide 11:

Slide 12: Iguacel et al. Vegetarianism and veganism compared with mental health and cognitive outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutr Rev. 2021.

Slide 13: Iguacel et al. Veganism, vegetarianism, bone mineral density, and fracture risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutr Rev. 2019.

Slide 14: Ajala et al. Systematic review and meta-analysis of different dietary approaches to the management of type 2 diabetes. Am J Clin Nutr. 2013.

Slide 15 & 16: Ornish et alIntensive Lifestyle Changes for Reversal of Coronary Heart Disease. JAMA (1998).

Slide 17: The Game Changers on Netflix.

Slide 18: This National Food Strategy article explains the essential nutrients we need and where we get them from.

Slide 20 & 21: The Daily Dozen.

Slide 24: The Vegetarian Myth. Lierre Keith. My blog on this brilliant book.

Slide 27: Beef:


Slide 28: Fischer & Lamey. Field Deaths in Plant Agriculture.  Journal of Agricultural Environmental Ethics. (2018).

Slide 34:

Slide 37: Landscape picture came from Countrysideonline.

Slide 38:

J Tomlin et al. Investigation of normal flatus production in healthy volunteers. BMJ Gut. 1991.

Slide 39:

Methane 1.8 PPM

Proportion of agriculture:

Proportion of enteric fermentation:

Slide 43: