Dr Malcolm Kendrick chats with Zoë about his new book… The Clot Thickens
Show Notes:
Dr Malcolm Kendrick graduated from medical school in Aberdeen and trained as a General Practitioner in Scotland. After ten years he split his time between General Practice and education. On the doctor side, Malcolm currently lives and works in Cheshire in General Practice, Intermediate Care and Out of Hours. On the education side, Malcolm set up the on- line educational system for the European Society of Cardiology, working with the European Commission and also set up the first website for the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the UK.
Malcolm is an early member of the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (CEBM) in Oxford and of The International Network of Cholesterol Sceptics (THINCS). The latter comprises a group of scientists, doctors and researchers who share the belief that cholesterol does not cause cardiovascular disease.
This is the field of medicine for which Malcolm is best known. His long-term interest in the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease has resulted in many publications in journals such as the BMJ, Medical Hypotheses, Pulse and PharmacoEconomics. His breadth and depth of expertise in this area led to his election to Who’s Who in 2009.
The Great Cholesterol Con was the book that firmly placed Malcolm on the world stage of the ‘diet-cholesterol-heart’ hypothesis and his army of followers are eagerly awaiting his next bout of wit and wisdom. Malcolm blogs at drmalcolmkendrick.org and lectures by invitation. Married with two children and two cats, Malcolm would like more people to challenge the status quo, and never just accept the party line. He likes to ski, golf, sail, play squash, walk in the hills and drink... not necessarily in that order.
In this 40 minute podcast we cover the following:
How Malcolm made a breakthrough from thinking about many factors to one unifying theory – process.
What doesn't cause heart disease – why the LDL-Cholesterol/diet heart hypothesis just doesn't work.
How it doesn't matter what size LDL is – it still can't get into or through the endothelial wall.
What does cause heart disease. How the explanation can cover wood fires to Lupus to ageing to diabetes...
Which people previously have worked out this process and how the cholesterol hypothesis got in the way.