South Africa – Presentation 1, reference notes
Presentation References & Links
Slide 5 – The Obesity Epidemic in the UK1
Slide 6 – The Obesity Epidemic in the US2
Slide 7 – What happened c. 19803-6
Slide 8 – What happened c. 19806, 7
Slide 9 – Why did we change dietary advice – heart disease?8-11
Slide 10 – Why did we change dietary advice – cholesterol logic?12,13
Slide 11 – Why did we change dietary advice the Seven Countries study?9, 14-17
Slide 12 – Were we right to change – RCTs?18-23
Slides 13-15 – Were we right to change – RCT evidence?24
Slides 16-19 – Were we right to change – cholesterol & CVD charts?[i]
Slide 20 – What did we change to?[ii]
Slide 21 – What are we now eating?
– 1,556 processed food calories25[iii]
– Flour consumption[iv]
– Sugar consumption[v]
– Foods that have gone down and up26
Slides 24-26 – USDA Database[vi]
Slide 28 – Obstacles to change27, 28
Slide 29 – American Dietitians conflicts29
Slide 30 – British Nutrition Foundation30
Slide 33 – Association for Dietetics in SA31
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