Chicken liver, cooked, nutrition data

Nutritional value of 100g of Chicken liver, cooked

USDA food database reference:
Chicken, liver, all classes, cooked, simmered


Calories 167 (kcals)
From carbs 3.5 (kcals) (2.1%)
From fat 58.6 (kcals) (35.1%)
From protein 97.8 (kcals) (58.6%)
Water 66.8 (g)
Cholesterol 563 (mg)


Fat 6.5 (g)
Saturated 2.1 (g)
Mono 1.4 (g)
Poly 2 (g)


Carbs 0.9 (g)
Of which sugars 0 (g)

Protein 24.5 (g)

Vitamin A 3981 (mcg)
Retinol 3978 (mcg)
Vitamin C 27.9 (mg)
Vitamin D 0 (mcg)
Vitamin E 0.8 (mg)
Vitamin K 0 (mcg)
Thiamin (B1) 0.3 (mg)
Riboflavin (B2) 2 (mg)
Niacin (B3) 11 (mg)
Folate 578 (mcg)
Vitamin B6 0.8 (mg)
Vitamin B12 16.85 (mcg)
Pantothenate (B5) 6.7 (mg)


Calcium 11 (mg)
Iron 11.6 (mg)
Magnesium 25 (mg)
Phosphorus 405 (mg)
Potassium 263 (mg)
Sodium 76 (mg)
Zinc 4 (mg)
Copper 0.5 (mg)
Manganese 0.4 (mg)
Selenium 82.4 (mcg)




Please note that the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) all-foods database is not precise and some numbers don’t add up exactly. It is a good guide rather than a precision tool.