DairySpecial Reports

Dairy – to eat it or not to eat it, that’s the question

This is a special report looking at dairy products. Dairy is the one food group that continually comes up in queries – should we eat it? Shouldn’t we eat it? Is it good for us? Bad for us? Let’s have a really good look at this topic covering the history of dairy produce, the nutrition it provides, the views on dairy in the low carbohydrate community and why it proves to be a grey area with The Harcombe Diet®.

History of Dairy Foods
Australopithecus Lucy is believed to be the first upright ape/human – dating back approximately 3,500,000 years. I always find it useful to put any food in that historical context to illustrate how natural or new a particular substance is to the human body.

One of the final pages in The Obesity Epidemic: What caused it? How can we stop it? has the following quote as something I often say in interviews:

“If we have been eating real food for 24 hours, agriculture gave us large scale access to carbohydrates four minutes ago and sugar consumption has increased twenty fold in the past five seconds. I wonder which food is more likely to be responsible for the obesity epidemic or any modern disease...”


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