Eating saturated fat does not cause heart disease – Part 1
Here are a couple of videos that question the relationship between fat consumption and heart disease.
These videos are a tribute to Dr Malcolm Kendrick (The Great Cholesterol Con – highly recommended) and Gary Taubes (The Diet Delusion – also highly recommended) and a number of other people I have come across this year (Anthony Colpo, et al). Thank you all – you are brilliant and one day you will be shown to be right!
Thank you! You’re very kind x
Great job! I am going to pass this video on to my class mates to spread the word. I like the presentation too, unlike the sinister eyes behind the men in their white suites with their overly formal styles and business motives. It’s just not human!
Sorry about the post its!
The yellow stickies – the countries in the World Health Organisation study with the lowest saturated fat consumption – are Georgia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Tajikstan, Croatia, Macedonia, Ukraine.
The pink stickies – the countries in the WHO study with the highest sat fat consumption – are France, Switzerland, Austria, Finland, Belgium, Iceland and Netherlands.
Thanks again to Dr Malcolm Kendrick for these stats (“The Great Cholesterol Con”). Normally I go back to originals to validate them for myself – but I don’t with this doc. (I have seen much of the MONICA data and used it for other research). The conclusion is “Every single one of the 7 countries with the lowest saturated fat consumption has significantly higher rates of heart disease than every single one of the countries with the highest saturated fat consumption.”
Many thanks for your other lovely comment!
We cannot read the countries on the yellow post-its.
Zoe I love your sharp, incisive and above all logical mind, a mind that refuses to take things at face value. You are doing the world a great service by making the facts about correlation/causation clear without using a load of jargon that makes most people switch off. More power to you.